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900 GBP
950 GBP
1,500 - 2,500 GBP
Timed auction
Lot location
oil on board, signed framed and under glass image size 56cm x 80cm, overall size 70cm x 92cm Note: Hamish MacDonald was born in Glasgow in 1935. He studied at Glasgow School of Art between 1963 and 1967. From 1968 he successfully combined painting with teaching and also guest lectured throughout Scotland. In 1991 he retired from his post as an Art Department Principal to concentrate fully on the development of his painting. Much of his work was inspired by the Scottish Colourist movement, but MacDonald preserved an individuality which marks him out as both a vibrant and important artist. Throughout his career he succeeded in capturing dramatic scenes with his own passionately innovative palette. Hamish MacDonald is now widely regarded as one of Scotland's most successful contemporary artists. From 1964, Hamish staged numerous solo exhibitions in Scotland and Cornwall. He also participated in group shows with prominent galleries in London and throughout the UK. His works can be found in many major collections throughout the world.
Contemporary Pictures | timed auction
Venue address
Meiklewood Gate
Meiklewood Road
G51 4GB
United Kingdom
Contemporary Pictures | timed auction

Auction dates
Starts: Dec 05, 2024 05:00 PM GMT
Ends from: Dec 15, 2024 07:00 PM GMT
Auction currency
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