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260 GBP
500 - 800 GBP
Timed auction
Lot location
oil on board, signed, titled verso framed image size 57cm x 100cm, overall size 69cm x 113cm Note: David Cook was born in 1957 in Dunfermline and attended Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art in Dundee from 1979-84. He was recognised early as an exceptional talent, winning the first prize at the annual student show at the Royal Scottish Academy in 1983. He then won a travel award which took him to Paris, Amsterdam, Belgium and Cyprus. He won the Guthrie Award at the RSA in 1985 and was given Scottish Arts Council Awards in 1985, 1988 and 1989. He has exhibited irregularly but notably at The Traverse Theatre in 1982 and with the 369 Gallery throughout the following decade. In the 1990s he was already visiting "Seagreens" (his current home) and staying at a cottage at Benholm, two miles to the North also frequented by Alberto Morocco and Ian Eadie. Cook travelled regularly in these years to Turkey, the Balearics and significantly, at the invitation of the Everard Reed Gallery, to Southern Africa for three months in 1997. He was able to secure the tenancy at Seagreens shortly after his return and eventually bought it in 2004. Joan Eardley worked at Catterline, just eleven miles to the north of Seagreens and like Eardley sixty years earlier, David Cook feels the emotional draw of the sea and the wildness of the coastal environment. This sense of belonging is now deeply embedded; he can see the seasons change and paint the whole calendar; the daffodils of Spring, wild flowers of Summer, the Autumn skies and bleak drama of Winter are all on show: immediate, raw and compelling. David Cook is represented by The Scottish Gallery (Edinburgh) and his most recent solo show there was "Forged by the Sea" 29th June - 22nd July 2023. His known public collections include: The City of Edinburgh Council, Dundee Art Gallery & Museums, Dunfermline District Museum, Glasgow Museums & Galleries, The Hunterian, Kirkcaldy Museum & Gallery, Knysna Fine Art (South Africa), The Scottish Arts Council, University of Dundee, University of Warwick, Art in Healthcare and in corporate collections in the UK. Recent prices for David Cook's paintings in our auctions in 2024 include sales of £480, £550 and £800.
Contemporary Pictures | timed auction
Venue address
Meiklewood Gate
Meiklewood Road
G51 4GB
United Kingdom
Contemporary Pictures | timed auction

Auction dates
Starts: Dec 05, 2024 05:00 PM GMT
Ends from: Dec 15, 2024 07:00 PM GMT
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