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200 GBP
400 - 600 GBP
Timed auction
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conte on paper, initialled mounted, framed and under glass image size 67cm x 58cm, overall size 95cm x 84cm Note: Donald Macdonald was born on the Isle of Lewis in 1976 and after a short time in the Scottish Infantry he moved to Aberdeen and gained a BA Hons degree in Fine Art. After living and painting in Denmark and Glasgow for several years he returned home to the Isle of Lewis where he is now based. His work is held in various private collections around the UK, in Denmark, Hong Kong, Israel and the USA and in 2009 he was one of only three Scottish artists to feature in the BP Portrait Prize Award Exhibition. He was also the Scottish representative for the Mead Johnson International Exhibition in Evansville, USA. In 2013 he exhibited a commissioned painting in the Imperial War Museum in Manchester and later won a place in the 7th Figurativas painting and sculpture exhibition, held in the European Museum of Modern Art, Barcelona. In 2017 he won the Public Choice Award at the Art Gemini Prize and more recently he has been invited to show at the Columbia Threadneedle Prize (2018), The Lynn Painter Stainers Prize (2019), The Scottish Portrait Awards (2019), The Westmorland Landscape Prize (2019) and The Royal Scottish Academy (2019 & 2020).
Contemporary Pictures | timed auction
Venue address
Meiklewood Gate
Meiklewood Road
G51 4GB
United Kingdom
Contemporary Pictures | timed auction

Auction dates
Starts: Dec 05, 2024 05:00 PM GMT
Ends from: Dec 15, 2024 07:00 PM GMT
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